Wichita State
- Fees: $427
- Tuition hour: $138.15
- Tuition hours with fees: $168.65
Kansas University
- Fees: $846.70
- Tuition hour: $229.25
- Tuition hours with fees: $289.72
Kansas State
- Fees: $337
- Tuition hour: $198.47
- Tuition hours with fees: $222.54
Missouri State:
- Fees: $338
- Tuition hour: $186
- Tuition hour with fees: $210.14
University of Northern Iowa
- Fees: $426
- Tuition hour: $197
- Tuition hour with fees: $227.42
Southern Illionois:
- Fees: $1419.05
- Tuition hour: $232.50
- Tuition hour with fees: $333.86
Oklahoma State:
- Fees: $1374.80
- Tuition hour: $131.35
- Tuition hour with fees: $ 229.55
- Fees: $1815
- Tuition hour: $117.90
- Tuition hour with fees: $247.54
- Fees: $565.60
- Tuition hour: $179.75
- Tuition hour with fees: $220.15
- Fees: $519.57
- Tuition hour: $245.60
- Tuition hour with fees: $282.71
Out of this group Wichita State has the lowest cost of attendance at $168.60 per credit hour with fees adjusted in. Just for fun, lets say that the Wichita State students voted to add a $150 fee per semester to fund the return of football. If only the full time students payed this fee, it would raise around 4.3 million a year for football. Even with this fee, guess who would have the lowest tuition per hour? Thats right, it would still be Wichita State at $179.36. Football cannot and will not come back to Wichita State without the students help. It would cost students about $10 per hour to bring back shocker football. Considering everything that comes along with having this sport on campus, I would say that is a bargain. However, it is up to the alumni to fan the fire that is Shocker football.
Brian, this is an excellent post. I had no idea that many schools were in the process of adding football. Apparently, these schools understand the value a football program brings to a University.
Keep up the good work!
Brad Justice
I had no idea WSU was so much cheaper to attend. I've had people tell me that the costs have gone up and were much closer to the likes of KU and KSU. Guess they were wrong. Given this info, there's really no reason the students shouldn't be willing to pay a little more to bring back Shocker football.
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